25 Jul Design Insights: A Q&A with Brown & Brown Architects
Design insights, thoughts and inspirations of the founder of Brown & Brown Architects
It is no mistaking that architecture and interior design go hand in hand. A shared passion for beauty and function, the two industries harmoniously coexist. This mutual love for good design inspired us to catch up with Andrew Brown, founder of Brown and Brown Architects. Read on to find out more about this award-winning Scottish architectural studio including inspirations and design insights!
What do clients gain from choosing Brown and Brown architects?
“We like to think that we listen to our clients. Self-build projects should be selfish in a way, and it’s important that projects are designed around how a client wants to live their life. Every project is unique, as every site and client is also.”
What is your favourite part of the job?
“The most satisfying part is undoubtedly when you return to a finished project for the first time after the client has moved in. We always try to design our projects so that they look best when filled with our clients ‘things’, which is what makes a house a home.”
Describe your ideal project?
“I don’t think we have an ‘ideal’ project really. One of the things that gives me a great sense of joy is how we are always able to get so excited and invested in every project we take on.”
What do you think makes good design?
“Simple problem solving, but also having an element of delight in projects and spaces, that goes beyond the mundane.”
Who or what inspires you?
“I actually take more inspiration from fields outside of architecture. I love photography, and find it really helps inform what we do. There is a street and portrait photographer based in London called Sean Tucker, who is a massive inspiration, not just due to the quality of his work, but also his whole approach to life in general.”
How do you get to know your clients and understand their needs when starting a new project?
“We talk to them and listen to what they have to say. It sounds so simple, and I would imagine that all architects adopt the same approach, as it’s really about having empathy with a client and understanding how you can answer and exceed their brief.”
How important is the plot in relation to your initial thoughts?
“Location is absolutely crucial. Many people make the mistake of only being interested in ‘views’, but in our opinion ‘setting’ is more important. The impact of a view can decrease over time, whereas having the right setting, approach, connection between inside/outside, continues to have an undiminished positive impression.”
Do you tend to focus on getting the exterior of the building ‘right’ first and let the interior follow or consider the entire build as a whole?
“We always consider the building as a whole, and design concepts are developed for both external & internal spaces as a single design process.”
Do clients often come to you with a very fixed idea of the outcome only to end up with something completely different?
“Yes, this regularly happens. It’s important when a client has gone through the process of considering what they want in detail, that this be fed into the briefing and design process. The time the client has already spent is never wasted time, and allows us to gain a deeper understanding into their needs and wants.”
What we learned
It was lovely catching up with Andrew, and wonderful to discover that there are many similarities in the design process of architects and interior designers. For example, listening to the client is absolutely essential and the end goal is to achieve the best design solution that not only meets but exceeds their expectations. It was really refreshing to learn that Brown and Brown consider the interiors and exteriors as a whole and when you look at their stunning projects, this is so very obvious! Also, Sean Tucker is really cool!
Thanks again to Andrew, it was really wonderful to get his thoughts, design insights and inspirations and we hope you enjoyed reading about them too!
Did you know?
Tangram frequently work with architects – often early on in the design process, assisting with blind specification and space planning but also, later on, assisting with the supply of furniture and lighting. By collaborating with and supporting architects, we believe this can lead to a holistic design that perfectly reflects the client.
If you have an upcoming project that we can assist with, please get in touch with our Edinburgh interior design team. Or to hear more about the ways in which we can assist you with a commercial interior space, head over to our Contract furniture page.
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